Lemon Olive Oil Cakes

This cake is inspired by a cake I saw on Bon Appetit as well as a need for me to use up lemons on my lemon tree. The original recipe can be found here and is beautiful in concept though for me and my family's tastes, it was a bit on the dense side. This mostly has to do with the proportion of fat to eggs, which I've adjusted in my recipe below. I've also increased the lemon flavor of the cake by increasing the lemon juice.

Below you can watch the short vid on this cake from my Instagram:


Hi! I'm Adriana.

I built this site for the curious home baker. I'm a huge science + tech nerd; you'll feel right at home if you like exploring and experimenting in the kitchen too.

Here you can build cakes with my Cakeculator and find recipes to accompany the videos from YouTube, Tiktok, and Instagram.

I have lots of things to share... I hope you have fun around here!

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